CQWW SSB 2013 contest

Great condx on higher bands, pileups on 10m and 15m were superb. Unfortunatelly we had problem with 7MHz antenna. Insect and dirty in insulator cause its burning and antenna with high SWR didn't work well.

However it's our best score in Multi-Single category. smiley


VHF activity contest at Skalnatá 704m

At the end of our childrens ham-radio camp we took part in the VHF Activity contenst. So that everyone can try contesting we were split into two groups. We went to Skalnata hill (704m) in locator JN88OJ. As OM3KFF we worked 78 contacts. 


Old and current club members meeting photos

Few photos from old and current club members meeting took place on 15th of June.

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