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Tag Archives: antennas
Repeater installation at Kamzík tower
We helped with installation of 145MHz repeater OM0OVV at TV tower Kamzik in Bratislava. It works very well now. More info at Tony’s repeaters webpage. Thanks for help to Tóno OM1AEG, Filip OM1AI, Marek OM8AS, Miška OM4CX, Ondro OM4DW, Dodo OM1VL.
Ondro OM4DW
Linked dipole for SOTA
This is short description of my SOTA antenna – Linked dipole. It is common dipole with jumpers, so you can choose band. See pictures below.
Wire is copper 0,5mm2, center part and insulators made of plastic and jumpers are 2mm banana plug. Dimensions come from simulations in K6STI software and in practice are the same. It supposed invered-vee shape, center about 8m high and thin wire but those parameters are not critical. Minimums SWR are about 1.2 and should be in bands. Listed length for 7 MHz is for CW, if you prefer SSB cut last sections approx. 14 cm. Other bands have good SWR in whole band.
Dipole should have BALUN in feedpoint but I think it is not necessary for SOTA use. Coax cable is thin and light RG-174.
Ondrej OM4DW
New 7MHz yagi
We have new 7MHz antenna instead of destroed old HB9CV. It's lightweight yagi with two shortened elements. Manufactured by Ant-depot.
New dipole antenna for 80m band
Our old dipole were destroyed by ice last winter. We build new one with new design. It's two dipoles connected together, first tune for CW part, second for SSB part of band. In result we got usable SWR thru whole band. See pictures below…