Linked dipole for SOTA

This is short description of my SOTA antenna – Linked dipole. It is common dipole with jumpers, so you can choose band. See pictures below.


Wire is copper 0,5mm2, center part and insulators made of plastic and jumpers are 2mm banana plug. Dimensions come from simulations in K6STI software and in practice are the same. It supposed invered-vee shape, center about 8m high and thin wire but those parameters are not critical.  Minimums SWR are about 1.2 and should be in bands. Listed length for 7 MHz is for CW, if you prefer SSB cut last sections approx. 14 cm. Other bands have good SWR in whole band.

Dipole should have BALUN in feedpoint but I think it is not necessary for SOTA use. Coax cable is thin and light RG-174. 

Ondrej OM4DW


Grosser Sonnleitstein

SOTA ref. OE/NO-016

Strážov summit 14.12.2013

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December YOTA month!

YOTA is a group of young radio amateurs from Europe. Most of us are under the age of 25. We get together and share our knowledge and ideas with each other to increase the number of young people in this great hobby!

During the whole month of December several country’s will become active with YOTA as suffix for callsign. The idea for this is to break the ice for some youngsters and take the microphone in the hand.  As seen over the years the YOTA-group is growing fast and every week more youngsters are asking to participate.Let us all make YOTA populair in HAM radio and let us all help to put youngsters on the HAM radio train!

More info

Updated: Our young operators made 2850 contacts as OM13YOTA.