Exhibition Wireless word – Jozef Murgaš

From 1st to 14th november was exhibition „Wireless Word“ dedicated to 150th anniversary of birth Slovak invertor, artist and priest Jozef Murgaš. We operated special callsign OM150MURGAS at exhibition place and promoted hamradio. Thanks for the contacts, QSLs via OM5CD.


Repeater installation at Kamzík tower

We helped with installation of 145MHz repeater OM0OVV at TV tower Kamzik in Bratislava. It works very well now. More info at Tony’s repeaters webpage. Thanks for help to Tóno OM1AEG, Filip OM1AI, Marek OM8AS, Miška OM4CX, Ondro OM4DW, Dodo OM1VL.

Ondro OM4DW