CQWW SSB contest

This time Murphy really teased us, but we have handled it very well and the score is also pretty good. 

We have attended the contest in the following formation: Miška, Ondro, Gabo, Jožo, Martin, Jakub, Roman for a half day and the boys from the course came to encourage us. As usually we had 3 workplaces. Martin managed to fix the rotator but we had to change the PA Alfa for a quickly borrowed "Janošík". 



The score is pretty solid for a QTH like ours and young operators. We think that the 28MHz isn not working the way it should be. The antenna is probably too low above the roof. We have also som multipliers missing, especially on 7MHz. Next time we have to guard them more. 

See you in the CW part where Martin and Jakub will have a premiere. 

Mário took a few pictures of us.